Central Church profile

You are invited to Central's Backpack Blessing

Central Congregational Church,

United Church of Christ

Dear Website,

A Blessing of the Backpacks is a wonderful way to begin the school year, surrounding the students, teachers, and educational support staff of our congregation with prayer and blessings. We want you to get off to a great start this school year. As you go to school, we want you to know that your church loves you and will be praying for you. So, we’d like to bless you and your backpacks.  Please bring your backpacks to worship at 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, September 24. We'll see you on Sunday!

For more information please contact

Lauren Olson-Sidford, CE Director

978-572-1423 lauren@centralnewburyport.org

Central Congregational Church
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
14 Titcomb Street, PO Box 372, Newburyport, MA 01950
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