Sunday School begins the morning in the Sanctuary for the first part of the worship service, and on Sunday School days we go upstairs to our classrooms following the Children’s Sermon. We are pleased to continue lessons for Godly Play for ages 4-12, and Grapple for middle schoolers.
Sunday School reminder that classes will be held on December 3rd, 10th and 17th and we will be working on the upcoming Christmas pageant!
Youth Group reminder that the 3rd Annual Winter Solstice Gathering with FRS Youth is on December 19th - see Lauren for more details.
Christmas Fair: The Youth Group and their families are invited to help with the CE table at the Christmas Fair on Saturday, December 2cnd! Please let Lauren know if you can help out anytime during the Fair for an hour or two!
Reindeer Games: All ages are welcome to join us for the Annual Reindeer Games on Saturday, December 16th from 5-7PM in the Social Hall!
Cocoa & Caroling: Caroling will follow beginning at 7:00PM led by Lauren and the Central Band, and our Song Circle - all ages are welcome!
For more information or to register for programs, please contact Lauren (978)572-1423