Central Church profile

The Central Connection

Central Congregational Church,

United Church of Christ

Newburyport, MA

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, pastor

Pastor's Preview

Dear Friends,

In Jesus time, there were many who sought healing for their sick bodies and troubled spirits. In the gospel reading from Mark, we hear several of those stories including the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law. The stories show Jesus compassion for all people and for the needs of those who are closest to him. The promise of Jesus’ healing presence is still relevant to our faith today, so I hope you’ll join us on Sunday for a sermon that I’m calling, “Jesus Healed Many People.”


Grace and peace,




In-person and broadcast Worship begins at 10:30 AM on Sunday morning. Services are broadcast on Facebook Live thanks to our amazing Broadcast Team of volunteers.

Sunday Worship 10:30 AM

Scripture Readings

ISAIAH 40:21-31

1 CORINTHIANS 9:16-23    


Click Here to View Messenger for Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM February 4, 2024
Click here to view this week's Announcements
Click here at 10:30 AM for Sunday Morning Worship on our Facebook page (scroll down to Videos. When worship begins, you will see the Live Video)


SUNDAY SCHOOL begins the morning in the Sanctuary for the first part of the worship service, and on Sunday School days we go upstairs to our classrooms following the Children’s Sermon. We are pleased to continue lessons for Godly Play for ages 4-12, and Grapple for middle school students.


Godly Play:      Jesus is Baptized

Grapple:           I wonder how Jesus felt coming out of the water?


Youth Group:       We are penciling in activities for the following Sunday evenings for Youth Group Events:

  • February 11
  • March 17
  • April 7
  • May 5

COMMUNION CLASS : Registration is open for Communion Classes for anyone in third grade on up! Classes will be held on February 4 and February 11 from 11:45 am - 1:00 pm. The bread baking class will be on Saturday, March 2 at 12:00 pm. The Communion class participants will gather to worship on Sunday, March 3rd for Bible presentations during the worship service and to climb the bell tower following the service to add their names to all who have come before them!


For more information or to register for programs, please contact Lauren lauren@centralnewburyport.org (978)572-1423

Central Happenings

Central Church profile


As we enter the season of Epiphany which lasts until February 14, Ash Wednesday, you are invited to take a star word from the basket at worship. A star word is a spiritually centered word that can encourage an intention or prayerful focus for the year. This word might be welcome, or it might bring challenge, but see how this word speaks to you. Star words choose us instead of the other way round, so you are invited to sit with your word, look up the definition even if you know the word well, journal, or pray with your word and carry it with you for the year. Star words can be mailed to you if you contact the office.

The magi followed a star which ultimately led them to Jesus. May our star word bring us closer to Jesus and guide us through the year.

Consider using this prayer from Michelle Thomas Bush for praying with your STAR WORD: God, we acknowledge that we are not always ready to receive your best gifts for us. You have given us an epiphany word in order that our searching will bring us to you. It is often our habit to turn aside, stumble over, or even reject experiences and encounters that we later understand to have been precious gifts.

Help us to be open to the gift that you offer us now through our star words. We acknowledge that we do not fully understand what this word might mean for our faith, but we receive it from you with gratitude and pray that your Spirit will enable us to live into our word with intention and faithfulness. Amen.

PROMPT: As we near the middle of Epiphany, look for announcements about impromptu gatherings at coffee hour to chat about our journey with our words so far.


After careful consideration, the Deacons and Pastor have decided to include pastoral care concerns of the congregation in the weekly bulletin. We are sharing this information so that members of the church can offer prayers or reach out to express concern and offer support in times of need. At the same time, we wish to respect everyone’s privacy and not share sensitive medical information. We will also seek your permission before publishing any information. If you have questions or concerns about any of this, please speak to the pastor or one of the Deacons.

‘Valentine Love’ Pet Food Collection

The Christian Outreach team is hosting the annual ‘Valentine Love’ Pet Food collection drive on Saturday, February 10 from 10 am to 1 pm in the Central Church parking lot on Pleasant St. All donations this year will go directly to:

  • First Parish Pet Food Pantry
  • Newbury Elder Pet Fund
  • Salisbury Senior Center Food Bank

Pet food and supply donations are accepted in the church office every weekday from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm until Friday, February 9.

On Saturday February 10, 2023 between 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM the Drive-By Collection will accept donations in the Pleasant Street parking lot behind the church (across from Changing Tides café).

Plan ahead - you can order your food & supplies donation online and have it shipped directly to Central Congregational Church, Attention: ‘Valentine Love’ Pet Food Drive, 14 Titcomb St, Newburyport MA 01950

Monetary donations help these organizations purchase much needed food and supplies when critical items are not otherwise available. You can support the ‘Valentine Love’ Pet Food Drive-By by donating funds at the drive-by event, donate online, or mail a check.

For more information, contact Judy Roy at llillycurtisalyssa@gmail.com or Church Administrator at info@centralnewburyport,org or call 978-465-0533.



Lenten Series with NOOMA, plus soup and bread supper

The word Lent comes from an Old English term meaning to lengthen. One interpretation is that Lent is a time that stretches us to grow in our love and knowledge of God. As Easter approaches, it is a time for our spiritual formation and growth. So you’re invited to participate in a special series for Lent at Central.


On Thursday nights during March, we will offer a time of fellowship and faith conversation as part of our observance of Lent. We will gather for a simple meal of soup and bread at 6:00 and then watch a short video from the NOOMA series created by Rob Bell. These videos address different aspects of faith in a creative and thought-provoking way. After each film, we’ll have time for conversation, prayers, and faith formation exercises. Mark your calendars and make plans to join us on Thursday March 7, 14 and 21.

for more information or to register contact Rev. Chris or the church office.

Community News and Events

Merrimack River Eagle Festival 2024

Saturday, February 17 2024 @ 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

The 18th annual Merrimack River Eagle Festival is back in 2024!

Come to Newburyport, Amesbury and Salisbury on Saturday, February 17, 2024, for a full day of fun indoor and outdoor activities celebrating the return of the Bald Eagles! Learn more about these magnificent birds, as well as other amazing raptors, and why our local habitat is so important to them.

Presented by Mass Audubon Joppa Flats Education Center & Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. Click link below to learn more.

Learn More


Special Donations - Afghan Family Support

If you are interested in making a special donation to support the Afghan family that Central Church is assisting, we have set-up a specific fund that you can donate to using our on-line giving system. Follow these easy steps through the Central Church website:

1)   Go to: https://www.centralnewburyport.org

2)   In the blue banner at top of page click on: ON LINE WORSHIP

3)   On the far right of the page click on the blue text link: Click here to contribute online.

4)   Complete the Online Donation form that appears


Your Support is important.

We continue to rely upon and appreciate your financial support!

Click Here to Give Online Now
Prayer Concerns

If you have a prayer concern this week, please send an email to Chris at chris@centralnewburyport.org by the end of the day Saturday or complete a prayer request card available in the Sanctuary and give it to a Deacon before worship service begins. Your prayer concern will be mentioned in the Sunday Worship by first name only, for privacy concerns. Thank You!

Click Here to Submit Your Prayer Request

Health & Safety Information

Per CDC guidelines, masks are optional during worship and other activities, but are highly recommended for those who are high risk. We encourage anyone who chooses to wear a mask to do so at any time. We ask that anyone who has symptoms of cold or flu stay home and participate in worship remotely. Masks and hand sanitizers are available. We continue to monitor guidelines from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local public safety/public health officials to ensure the continued health and safety of all Central Congregational Church members, visitor and guests.

Central Congregational Church
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
14 Titcomb Street, PO Box 372, Newburyport, MA 01950
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