Central Church profile

The Central Connection

Central Congregational Church,

United Church of Christ

Newburyport, MA

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, pastor

Pastor's Preview

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, we hear two stories of God speaking in the midst of a storm. The first comes from the Book of Job as God responds to Job’s complaints from the whirlwind. The second is the voice of Jesus calming the storm that threatens the disciples’ boat and their lives. What do these stories have to teach us about the challenges or storms that we face in life? That’s the question that I’ll try to address in a sermon that I’m calling, “When God Answers.” I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


Grace and peace,





In-person and broadcast Worship begins at 9:30 AM.

Beginning Sunday, June 16, 2024, Sunday worship will start at 9:30 AM. for the summer.

Services will continue to be broadcast on Facebook Live throughout the summer. Cool beverages and refreshments will be served in the Narthex following worship. We hope to see you bright and early!

Sunday Worship Scripture Readings

JOB 38:1-11



Click Here to view Messenger for Sunday Worship Service
Click here to view this week's Announcements
Click here to view LARGE PRINT MESSENGER
Click here at 10:30 AM for Sunday Morning Worship on our Facebook page (scroll down to Videos. When worship begins, you will see the Live Video)


Starting in July, we will choose the middle hymn by pulling a card from a basket, like a raffle. Each card will contain the name of one hymn suggested by members of the congregation. Through the summer, you are invited to pick up an index card, print the name of a hymn with the hymnal title and hymn number, and drop it in the basket for a chance that your suggestion will be drawn.


Sunday School is on summer break. Classes will reconvene in September, with Godly Play for ages 4-12, and Grapple for middle school students. Watch for details for summer events and Youth Group activities.

A huge thank you to everyone who has supported our Sunday School and Youth programs this school year, and an extra thank you to everyone who helped make Children’s Sunday special -  John Seamans, Chris Ney, Michael Hamill and the Central Band!


If any youth are interested in earning community service hours this summer please reach out to Lauren – especially anyone who loves taking inventory and organizing as I have a few projects I am working on!

Blessings, Lauren


For more information or to register for programs, please contact Lauren lauren@centralnewburyport.org (978)572-1423

Central Happenings

Central Church profile


The 3 mothers are looking for volunteers for the summer to drive our Afghan mom, Shagufa, to the Farmers Market on some Sundays at 7:00 am. We are also looking for volunteers to work on English with our Afghan parents (Shafiqullah and Shagufa), once or twice a week in the mornings. We also need volunteers to help with occasional childcare (for 3.5 yo and 1.5 yo) over the summer (especially during English classes).


Thank you. The support from Central really means a lot to our family. Please contact Sarah 978-273-1512 sbseamans@icloud.com or Kelly 978-387-7730 mkpalma@comcast.net


Women’s Ministry invites women of Central and friends to Dinner Out potluck Wednesday June 26th 6:30pm at Carrie Hometh’s home in West Newbury. Please RSVP to Sarah sbseamans@icloud.com or 978-273-1512 with what you would like to bring for the pot luck and to recive more details on directions to Carrie’s. Please carpool if possible as parking is a bit limited at Carrie’s. We look forward to seeing you there!


Sarah and Betty

Community News and Events


Special Donations - Afghan Family Support

If you are interested in making a special donation to support the Afghan family that Central Church is assisting, we have set-up a specific fund that you can donate to using our on-line giving system. Follow these easy steps through the Central Church website:

1)   Go to: https://www.centralnewburyport.org

2)   Click the Donate to Central button at the bottom of the home page

3)   Complete the Online Donation form that appears


Your Support is important.

We continue to rely upon and appreciate your financial support!

Click Here to Give Online Now
Prayer Concerns

If you have a prayer concern this week, please send an email to Chris at chris@centralnewburyport.org by the end of the day Saturday or complete a prayer request card available in the Sanctuary and give it to a Deacon before worship service begins. Your prayer concern will be mentioned in the Sunday Worship by first name only, for privacy concerns. Thank You!

Click Here to Submit Your Prayer Request

Health & Safety Information

Masks are optional during worship and other activities, but are recommended for those who are high risk. We encourage anyone who chooses to wear a mask to do so at any time. We ask that anyone who has symptoms of cold or flu stay home and participate in worship remotely. Masks and hand sanitizers are available in the Sanctuary. We continue to monitor guidelines from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local public safety/public health officials to ensure the continued health and safety of all Central Congregational Church members, visitor and guests.

Central Congregational Church
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
14 Titcomb Street, PO Box 372, Newburyport, MA 01950
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