Central Church profile

The Central Connection

Central Congregational Church,

United Church of Christ

Newburyport, MA

The Rev. Dr. Christopher Ney, pastor

Central Happenings

Central Church profile

Last chance to order your

flowers for Easter Sunday dedications

Easter Sunday flowers & dedications

Orders must be received by Sunday, March 17.

Decorating the sanctuary on Easter Sunday with spring flowers dedicated to loved ones is a long-standing tradition at Central Church. Each tulip plant is in a 6.5" pot wrapped with seasonal green foil, ready to welcome Spring! Order your tulips to honor loved ones and decorate the Sanctuary on Easter. Dedications will be printed in the Easter Sunday bulletin.

Order forms are available in the church office, from the deacons at worship service or click the link below to download the form.

Remember - nursery orders for delivery must be placed by no later than March 18, so get your orders into the church office by Sunday, March 17.

Easter Flower Order Form


Special Donations - Afghan Family Support

If you are interested in making a special donation to support the Afghan family that Central Church is assisting, we have set-up a specific fund that you can donate to using our on-line giving system. Follow these easy steps through the Central Church website:

1)   Go to: https://www.centralnewburyport.org

2)   In the blue banner at top of page click on: ON LINE WORSHIP

3)   On the far right of the page click on the blue text link: Click here to contribute online.

4)   Complete the Online Donation form that appears


Your Support is important.

We continue to rely upon and appreciate your financial support!

Click Here to Give Online Now
Prayer Concerns

If you have a prayer concern this week, please send an email to Chris at chris@centralnewburyport.org by the end of the day Saturday or complete a prayer request card available in the Sanctuary and give it to a Deacon before worship service begins. Your prayer concern will be mentioned in the Sunday Worship by first name only, for privacy concerns. Thank You!

Click Here to Submit Your Prayer Request

Health & Safety Information

Per CDC guidelines, masks are optional during worship and other activities, but are highly recommended for those who are high risk. We encourage anyone who chooses to wear a mask to do so at any time. We ask that anyone who has symptoms of cold or flu stay home and participate in worship remotely. Masks and hand sanitizers are available. We continue to monitor guidelines from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and local public safety/public health officials to ensure the continued health and safety of all Central Congregational Church members, visitor and guests.

Central Congregational Church
An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ
14 Titcomb Street, PO Box 372, Newburyport, MA 01950
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