Wondering together is a community’s way of remaining open to the Holy Spirit, shaping and deepening our knowledge of God.
Wondering together is a community’s way of remaining open to the Holy Spirit, shaping and deepening our knowledge of God.
This time spent wondering together produces thinking Christians who can enter into dialogue, share their experiences of God, and together discover God’s calling for them. Come wonder with us!
Sunday School (Godly Play)
(Ages 5-12) Godly Play is a story-based curriculum that uses the educational techniques of a Montessori classroom. Each week, one of our teachers tells a story based on Bible and church traditions and then invites children to respond by expressing their thoughts...
Sunday School (Grapple)
(Grades 6-12) For our late elementary and middle school children, we offer a curriculum called “Grapple," which encourages pre-teens and teenagers to ask tough questions. The lessons feature faith-related questions that were asked by real 10-12 year- olds, like...
Nursery Care
(Infants & Preschoolers) We offer nursery care at most church services. Our nursery is stocked with age-appropriate toys, books, and other play areas for your child. You're also welcome to use our area at the back of the church with a rocking chair and other...
Youth Group
(Grades 5-12) All youth from grades 5-12 are welcome to join Central’s Youth Group! We keep busy with church and community service projects including helping with the Saturday Morning Breakfast program, and preparing food for the monthly Saturday Night Meal. We...
(Third Grade +) Communion Class is a special opportunity for students in Third Grade and older (and their parents) to learn about the meaning and practice of this sacrament. Participation in this class is not a pre-requisite to receive communion. Our communion...
(High School) Confirmation is offered to young people in high school. This year-long class provides an opportunity for a young person to learn more about Christian beliefs and practices. Confirmation is linked to the sacrament of baptism that is typically offered...
Save The Date – September 10 is Rally Day!
RALLY DAY September 10, 2023 Rally Day is a celebration of the many ministries of Central Congregational Church and the ways we are making a difference in people’s lives in our congregation and the community and world around us. It’s a fun day of great food, fun...
RSVP TODAY for CE Outdoor Adventure Thursday August 24 – 2:00 PM
at PowWow Hill Amesbury MA Family Outdoor Adventures Summer Series Nourish Your Body & Soul Join us at 2:00 pm on Thursday August 24 at Powow Hill Family Out
Youth Group – Family Game Night Friday Sept 29 at 6pm
Hello Youth Group Families! Come join us and bring a friend on Friday, September 29th from 6-8PM for a fun night of board games and pizza! Games will be decided that evening, but who’s up for a mini chess tournament? Who has a board game that they really love? I...
Backpack Blessing Sunday September 24 at 10:30 am
Encourage your child to bring their backpack to worship at 10:30 a.m on Sunday, September 24, for a blessing to carry throughout the school...
Sunday School (Godly Play)
(Ages 5-12) Godly Play is a story-based curriculum that uses the educational techniques of a Montessori classroom. Each week, one of our teachers tells a story based on Bible and church traditions and then invites children to respond by expressing their thoughts...
Sunday School (Grapple)
(Grades 6-12) For our late elementary and middle school children, we offer a curriculum called “Grapple," which encourages pre-teens and teenagers to ask tough questions. The lessons feature faith-related questions that were asked by real 10-12 year- olds, like...
Nursery Care
(Infants & Preschoolers) We offer nursery care at most church services. Our nursery is stocked with age-appropriate toys, books, and other play areas for your child. You're also welcome to use our area at the back of the church with a rocking chair and other...
Youth Group
(Grades 5-12) All youth from grades 5-12 are welcome to join Central’s Youth Group! We keep busy with church and community service projects including helping with the Saturday Morning Breakfast program, and preparing food for the monthly Saturday Night Meal. We...
(High School) Confirmation is offered to young people in high school. This year-long class provides an opportunity for a young person to learn more about Christian beliefs and practices. Confirmation is linked to the sacrament of baptism that is typically offered...
Save The Date – September 10 is Rally Day!
RALLY DAY September 10, 2023 Rally Day is a celebration of the many ministries of Central Congregational Church and the ways we are making a difference in people’s lives in our congregation and the community and world around us. It’s a fun day of great food, fun...
RSVP TODAY for CE Outdoor Adventure Thursday August 24 – 2:00 PM
at PowWow Hill Amesbury MA Family Outdoor Adventures Summer Series Nourish Your Body & Soul Join us at 2:00 pm on Thursday August 24 at Powow Hill Family Out
Youth Group – Family Game Night Friday Sept 29 at 6pm
Hello Youth Group Families! Come join us and bring a friend on Friday, September 29th from 6-8PM for a fun night of board games and pizza! Games will be decided that evening, but who’s up for a mini chess tournament? Who has a board game that they really love? I...
Backpack Blessing Sunday September 24 at 10:30 am
Encourage your child to bring their backpack to worship at 10:30 a.m on Sunday, September 24, for a blessing to carry throughout the school...
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